Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I just did the original eggdrop over to see what the difference would be. You can tell by the lift of the difference in the one before.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alice:Madness returns finished project

Im proud! but as always I see where I could've done better. I have 2 years to be an expert and I am in progress!!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I have a photoshop project due this week. The concept is to take some ideas from the Alice:madness returns video game, and make a video game cover not using anything from the game itself. So here is a before and after shot of the woman I chose to be Alice. The after shot is my work which I did in photoshop. I took the burn tool and placed it under her eyes and her forehead to give it a bruise kind of look. I also took the smudge tool and selected the red colors, then i smeared the burn under her eyes to give it a bloody affect. I cut out some fire and placed it on her eyes and turned the opacity down to 14% to give it a transparent look. I will have the finished project by next week. let me know if you have any ideas on what else I could do to this cover!

Alice: Madness Returns video game trailer

No! this is not my art! But I would love to share this with you all. Its very graphic and animated and I love it! who would've ever thought to see Alice in Wonderland in this dark world...Hopefully, movie coming soon!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I did this project in my 2D animation class in Cs5 Flash. Concept was to have a box smash an egg and come back up. I plan to redo this and will post it as soon as I am finished!

Photoshop-Hawaii tourist guide

This is a project i was given in photoshop. The concept was to pick a city and create a tourist guide for that city with my own layout. Every picture you see was cut out individually from jupiterimages.com. Proud for this to be my first!

My 1st Animated Walk

I worked on this project in Cs5 Flash Pro. I started off with a stick man, and added a new layer to draw the lower body. Yes it is very short, but it took a lot of time for a beginner like myself. Months from now it should be longer and take no time. I will have the rest of the body done in the next few weeks. Will keep you posted!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My natural 3D image...

I captured this image randomly walking around some apartments. What makes it look 3d is the fact that i got up-close and was able to focus on the one object.

"keep your FEET off the ground!"

trust your creativity! I love this image! He was jumping and i was snapping

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

IN and OUT project

This is my in and out project my animation teacher gave us. Our goal was to have our character enter and exit a room with our own twist. What I learn as each quarter goes by is I improve more and more. I look at this short video and I see so much more I could do, but when I finished it I was so proud. On to the next...I am so ready. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I got bored the other day and went outside to take random photos and captured this photo of the sky. I went to upload them on my computer and noticed i caught this face in the clouds. If you do a close-up you will noticed how defined the left eye and eyebrow is. Even the nose. I don't know who this is but its nice to catch mysterious photos like this. 

ART = fashion as well! And to all of us shoe fanatics SHOES are a part of our lives too!

Take a look at these bad boys!!! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011


This is a beautiful piece of art...check out this video!

art can be anything appealing to your ears and eyes...

This is a photo I took in my grandpa's yard in Memphis, tn from my HTC EVO...the pink color is so vibrant..Looking at a picture like this brightens my day at times...Im so appreciative! ;-)